This is my story
I have always enjoyed being creative and creating things. In my young years, I knitted clothes and wove carpets with my own patterns, drawn with pencil and photographed, played piano and guitar – always looking to discover or create something beautiful.
In 2015 I came across a book that taught how to paint pictures with acrylics. All my life I have dreamed of making proper paintings but never had faith that this was something I could achieve. I took the chance, bought the book and started the search for knowledge, experience and competence. Along the way, I have participated in various courses, which have always been very rewarding and inspiring. I’m still on my way – have a lot to explore and learn – and I’m enjoying the journey.
In my pictures, I look for good compositions and color combinations. I mostly work with acrylic paint, but I also like to use mixed media and combinations of these.
I like to choose motifs that convey hope, strength, good relationships and faith in the future. The Bible is my guide through life. There I find strength, comfort and wisdom – something I like to share in my pictures.
I am married and live with my family in Bergen, Norway. For the past 25 years, I have worked as an perioperative nurse together with management at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen.